California Applicants

The application period is now closed. If you should need assistance with a card you received, please reach out to us at 877-881-8281.

03/01/2024: California & Washington Application Closure

As of March 1st, 2024, the UFW Foundation has closed applications from people who live and work in the states of California and Washington.

We are closing these applications to shift our focus to other under-represented states. This is a national program and farm workers from all 50 states and 3 U.S. territories deserve a chance to apply to this program.

If you live in California or Washington, you can apply for the program with other organizations that are assisting. Please look at the directory list on our website,

2024-02-05: Applications Reopen for CA Farm Workers

As of January 2024, the UFW Foundation has re-opened phone applications for the USDA’s Farm and Food Worker Relief (FFWR) Program for farm workers in California who have not yet received financial assistance and may be eligible. To better serve workers in other regions, the UFW Foundation closed its phone applications for California workers on June 30, 2023. 

Please know this is a one-time, unique relief payment. If you have already applied and have received the $600 assistance through the UFW Foundation or another authorized organization, you cannot submit a second application.  

For those interested in applying, please call 877-881-8281 and our call center staff will process your application over the phone, if eligible. The UFW Foundation is not providing application support for the FFWR program in our offices. 

Thank you. 

07/01/2023: California Phaseout

As of June 30th, the UFW Foundation has closed phone applications for the Farm and Food Worker Relief (FFWR) for those who live in the state of California.

As a major organization facilitating this program, the UFW Foundation serves all 50 states and 3 US territories and our attention must turn to those states who have been underrepresented.

We are proud to have completed and approve almost 30,000 applications throughout California. Through our efforts and the support of our constituents, we were able to secure federal funding for farm workers throughout the nation. We continue to pledge our support for the expansion of this program by the US Department of Agriculture.

We urge all those who have yet to apply for this program to apply with the 15 other organizations that are still operating in California. For a list of those organizations, click here to visit our directory.

Thank you for your understanding.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.