After Applying

The application period is now closed. If you should need assistance with a card you received, please reach out to us at 877-881-8281.

Wait for review.

  • Application Review: Within 10-15 business days after applying, you should receive an email or text to notify you if your application has been approved.
  • If Not Approved: Call 211 or visit to get help finding other programs and resources.
  • If Approved: A one-time prepaid card for $600 will be mailed to the address you provided. It should arrive within 4-6 weeks after approval.
    • Note: 4-6 weeks may differ for recipients in Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa territories. 
  • Missing Mail: If you still have not received your card in the mail 6 weeks after approval, contact the UFW Foundation Call Center.