UFW & UFW Fd.: Washington state’s immigrant relief fund & paid sick leave program for agricultural workers are ‘crucial’
UFW & UFW Fd.: Washington state’s immigrant relief fund & paid sick leave program for agricultural workers are ‘crucial’
United Farm Workers President Teresa Romero and UFW Foundation Executive Director Diana Tellefson Torres issued this statement following announcement of Washington state programs for immigrants and agricultural workers:
The immigrant relief fund and paid sick leave for farm workers announced by Washington state Governor Jay Inslee are crucial programs to support families and help control the disproportionate spread of the novel coronavirus in rural communities. Washington is now one of few states providing economic assistance for immigrants and paid sick leave for agricultural workers. California first announced similar programs we pushed for in April.
Allowing workers to stay home when they feel ill or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 ensures the safety of the entire community. Providing economic assistance supports families that have been hard hit and enjoy no safeguards.
The United Farm Workers and the UFW Foundation will continue providing emergency relief resources to rural communities and informing farm workers about their rights.
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