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UFW Foundation & UFW on second Senate Parliamentarian ruling: “We are not strangers to ‘No’ on our path to ‘Sí, Se Puede”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the second round of a process with multiple rounds, the Senate Parliamentarian today ruled against a registry proposal that would have granted undocumented immigrants, including farm workers, legal status, citing anything confers change of status to Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) as unacceptable. The United Farm Workers and UFW Foundation continue to call on Democratic leadership to explore every option and provide stability by any legislative means necessary.
UFW Foundation Executive Director Diana Tellefson Torres, said:
“Today’s decision by the parliamentarian is wrong. Farm workers, designated as essential workers deserve permanent status. We live in a democracy where elected officials must represent their constituents and work to protect the communities they serve. We are adamant that this is the year Congress will deliver legalization. They have the power to get this done.”
United Farm Workers President Teresa Romero, said:
“We are not strangers to ‘No’ on our path to ‘Sí, Se Puede.’ We expect Congress to keep working and we expect them to deliver legalization for millions of people this year. We demand they use every ounce of their power to deliver on the promises that got them elected.”
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