Trump and his administration ’make a lie’ of the claim they only oppose illegal immigration

Trump and his administration ’make a lie’ of the claim they only oppose illegal immigration


United Farm Workers Foundation Executive Director Diana Tellefson Torres issued the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s “Public Charge” rule:

Donald Trump and his administration always insist they are not against immigration, only illegal immigration.  They make a lie of that claim with their rule change attempting to shrink the number of legal immigrants who will be able to become U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents if they receive housing assistance, Calfresh, Medicaid and other fundamental services that under the newest Trump scheme would be characterized a public charge.

Trump’s finalized Department of Homeland Security regulation is the latest attack on all immigrants, and mostly directed against immigrants of color. The UFW Foundation is appalled by the administration’s bid to callously limit legal immigration by imposing further suffering on immigrants. We will continue fighting against it.

Trump’s public charge aberration will only deprive people, including the workers who feed America, of basic needs such as access to health care, food and housing.. This regulation is inhumane, it is racist and it needs to be stopped by Congress.


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