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Farm Workers Return to D.C. to Press for Legal Status
Workers urge Congress act to include a pathway to legal status in year-end must-pass bills
Washington, D.C. — This week, a delegation of 15 farm workers representing the 2.4 million farm workers across the United States is in Washington, D.C. to push Congress to include legal status for farm workers in year-end must-pass bills.
The delegation will meet with members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to share their stories and stress the importance of passing farm worker legalization before the end of the year. The delegation members include farm workers and family members from Arizona, California, Idaho, Michigan and Georgia.
Bipartisan compromise legislation that strengthens America’s food security, reduces costs for employers, and honors the decades-long contributions of immigrant farm workers must be among Congress’ end of year priorities.
“Legal status for farm workers is essential to America’s food security,” said UFW President Teresa Romero. “Agricultural employers and their Republican allies need to take the bipartisan deal on the table, which will save them over 430 million of dollars in wages next year alone. In exchange, they get to protect their own workers – ensuring that Americans’ food won’t be left in the fields to rot. It’s time to stop playing politics and pass the deal we have negotiated into law. Our nation's food security and the lives of hundreds of thousands of farm workers are on the line.”
“This month, Congressional members will have celebratory holiday meals with their families that are made possible by farm workers’ arduous work,” said UFW Foundation Chief Executive Officer Diana Tellefson Torres. “This begs the question, will Congressmembers continue to leave the very people who nurture their families and this nation in limbo this legislative session or will they do the right thing and pass a pathway to legal status for farm workers?”
Farm workers in D.C. are available for interviews in English & Spanish. Please contact Antonio De Loera-Brust or Leydy Rangel to schedule.
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