Artemio Ramirez


Artemio Ramirez came to the United States to work as part of the Bracero Program. He continued working in the United States as a farm worker and eventually was able to apply for one of the legalization processes available in the 1980s. Although he was able to apply for and receive temporary residence through the legalization process he applied for, he never moved onto apply for his green card for a variety of reasons. Eventually his wife and children joined him in the United States and he retired from farm work.  

However, since Artemio never went on to apply for a green card through the legalization process he started in the 1980s, he has been living as if he had no lawful immigration status for more than 30 years. His proof of temporary residence expired in the early 1990s.  

After scheduling a consultation with the UFW Foundation, Artemio was informed that it was possible for him to still benefit from the legalization process he applied for in the 1980s. As a result, he learned that he was in fact already a lawful permanent resident but needed to request that his green card be issued.  

Ultimately, Artemio was issued his green card and is now moving on to apply for citizenship with the help of the UFW Foundation.  

Si Se Puede!