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What is AmazonSmile?
Make a difference while you shop on AmazonSmile. When you shop AmazonSmile, you'll find the same products at the same low prices, access a vast selection of products, and experience the same convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com. After you make your purchases on AmazonSmile, 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated directly to an eligible 501(c)(3) public charitable organization of your choice.
You can make an impact by adding the UFW Foundation as your charitable organization of choice. There is no additional cost to you, and it's a simple way for you to support the UFW Foundation. Your support will help the UFW Foundation continue advocating for and providing direct assistance to farm worker communities.
How do I sign up for AmazonSmile to Support the UFW Foundation?
- Visit smile.amazon.com on your desktop
- You will be prompted to select the UFW Foundation to receive donations from your future eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Or you can use the pick your own charitable organization search bar to select the UFW Foundation.
- Shop on AmazonSmile whenever you make an Amazon Purchase. Amazon will remember your selected charity whenever you shop at smile.amazon.com or with AmazonSmile activated in the Amazon Shopping app.
- After completing your purchases, 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated directly to the UFW Foundation.
How Do I Sign Up for AmazonSmile through the Amazon phone app?
- Open the Amazon Shopping app on your mobile device.
- Tap on the Settings (☰) icon on the main menu of the app.
- Select "Gifting and Charity," and click on AmazonSmile and follow the onscreen prompts. Select the UFW Foundation as the charity of your choice.
- After completing your purchases, 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated directly to the UFW Foundation.
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